DANISH DISH BRUSH #kiosk #card


JUST THE BEST. Durable. Superfine. Your plates, your glasses, you, have earned it! Over time, many people have shown us all sorts of things from their closets, cabinets, bookshelves, etc. and we like it. We love it! The Danish Dish Brush was presented to us by a friend who spends summers in the south of Sweden. Year after year, while on holiday, her family has developed a tradition of making a pilgrimage to Denmark to purchase one brush for every adult in the family. The brush is “that good”. Our pal not only clued us in, but she gave us one, and after we tried it for a length of time, we decided, it passes the test, it is, THAT good. In our home the brush lasts for 2 - 3 years. Sometimes certain materials, melted cheese, bread dough, etc., get stuck in the bristles. If that is the case, when your brush needs cleaning, dip the bristles into a pot of boiling water and hold it there for a couple of minutes, it should clear out. ADDED BONUS! The horsehair holds soap really well, so now I use one-third of the soap I did with plastic brushes, plus I don’t get sprayed with soapy water by those hard, plastic bristles any longer. Never a good look. TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT, change your life.
Danish Dish Brush
JUST THE BEST. Durable. Superfine. Your plates, your glasses, you, have earned it! Over time, many people have shown us all sorts of things from their closets, cabinets, bookshelves, etc. and we like it. We love it! The Danish Dish Brush was presented to us by a friend who spends summers in the south of Sweden. Year after year, while on holiday, her family has developed a tradition of making a pilgrimage to Denmark to purchase one brush for every adult in the family. The brush is “that good”. Our pal not only clued us in, but she gave us one, and after we tried it for a length of time, we decided, it passes the test, it is, THAT good. In our home the brush lasts for 2 - 3 years. Sometimes certain materials, melted cheese, bread dough, etc., get stuck in the bristles. If that is the case, when your brush needs cleaning, dip the bristles into a pot of
Danish Dish Brush
Danish Dish Brush
Danish Dish Brush
Danish Dish Brush
Danish Dish Brush
Danish Dish Brush
Danish Dish Brush
Danish Dish Brush
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boiling water and hold it there for a couple of minutes, it should clear out. ADDED BONUS! The horsehair holds soap really well, so now I use one-third of the soap I did with plastic brushes, plus I don’t get sprayed with soapy water by those hard, plastic bristles any longer. Never a good look. TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT, change your life.
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